mungkin ada yang berkata, i am still in denial. but i guess, i am not. i am not in denial anymore. sbb saya dah mula boleh terima kenyataan. kalau takleh terima pun, still, terpaksa terima juga. that's life. tapi yang pasti, dlm hati saya skang, terdapat satu perasaan yang tidak pernah berubah walau apa yang terjadi sekalipun.. jika mencintai atau menyayangi, tidak semestinya mesti memiliki. yang saya ada hanyalah doa dan ingatan yg tulus agar dia bahagia, semoga cukup baginya untuk mengetahui bahawa saya benar2 mencintainya..
"..If I should stay
I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
And I will always love you
You, my darling you
Bittersweet memories
That is all I'm taking with me
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry
We both know I'm not what you need
And I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
And I will always love you
You, darling, I love you
I'll always love you.."
Cinta Sepenuh Harapan
Salam Cinta dari Razzi buat semua pembaca saya yang saya sayangi. CINTA
adalah salah satu kekuatan terbesar yang kita ada di dalam hidup ini.
Sedari awal k...
1 month ago
owohss sedoh ngok awok....cinta sejati gitu...maybe skang awok rasa gitu agi tp kekgi in future bile awok look back (opcoz laa mase tuh awok dah ade bf or even hubby hok super duper nice with a super power some more haha)awok akan gelak guling2 n tepuk dahi sendirik n u will say to urself 'omigod what was i thinking???' hehe
good luck girl in finding good love...
haha.. dun know about that.. yet. maybe bcoz of he's my first one kut. orang kata 1st one mmg yg paling takleh lupa. tapi yg pasti, yg 1st one la yg paling meninggalkan kesan dlm hidup. cewah..
just to share this very special quote
that i read somewhere a long time ago...
"Lucky is the man who is the 1st love of a women, but luckier is the women who is the last love of a man.."
how true!!!
hm, like i was too, heard that somewhere before. yes, i guess it's true.. but, unfortunately, those men never realize it. too bad.. but definitely for sure, i am not the last one for him. Damn!
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